The Passage
The Passage weaves family lore and 21st-century adventure into a true story about growing up, growing old, and the wild places that define us.
Serengeti: Nature’s Living Laboratory (2019)
Discover how ecologist Tony Sinclair and others spent five decades unraveling the mysteries of Africa’s great wilderness: the Serengeti.
Human Footprint Trailer
Hosted by biologist Shane Campbell-Staton, Human Footprint is a 6-part science series that reveals how the things we do reveal who we truly are.
Miami Wild
Narrated by Gloria Estefan, Miami Wild is a strange-but-true tale of the native and invasive creatures that make Miami the wildest city on Earth.
Forgotten But Not Gone: The Lesser Prairie-Chicken (2018)
In the grasslands of New Mexico, get a glimpse into the elaborate, bizarre mating rituals of the imperiled Lesser-Prairie Chicken.
The Anomalies: The Dewlap (2016)
By studying lizards that see colors humans can’t, biologist Manuel Leal reveals how the environment shapes animal communication signals.
The Anomalies: The Acorn Woodpecker (2017)
Biologist Walter Koenig has studied acorn woodpeckers for more than 40 years to understand their uniquely complex social structure.
The Anomalies: Venom Race (2018)
The bark scorpion’s age-old battle with a tiny but fearless predator – the grasshopper mouse – has sparked an “arms race” of venom evolution.
Think Like A Scientist Gorongosa (2015):
In Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park, ecologists are helping a rich ecosystem rebound after a brutal civil war spanning decades.
Inside Alzheimer’s Disease (2015)
Journalist Greg O’Brien reveals his struggle living with Alzheimer’s Disease, while scientist Rudy Tanzi explores new avenues for treatment.
Boundaries (2016)
On the US-Mexico border, photographer Krista Schlyer and biologist Jon Beckmann explore how human-made boundaries affect other creatures.
Vulcan and the Power of Ideas (2016)
Historian Tom Levenson and physicist Melissa Franklin reveal the puzzling history of Vulcan – a planet that never really existed.
Natural Selection in an Outbreak (2016)
Researchers Pardis Sabeti and Lina Moses bring us to the frontlines of the Ebola epidemic to investigate how diseases evolve and spread.
The Lizard’s Tale Episode 1: Meet the Anoles (2018)
Over the last 50 years, unassuming lizards called anoles have inspired thousands of research studies. But what makes an anole an anole?
The Lizard’s Tale Episode 2: Does Evolution Repeat Itself? (2018)
Why do the anoles of Puerto Rico have virtually identical lizard doppelgangers on Hispaniola? Their DNA points to a surprising answer!
The Lizard’s Tale Episode 3: Anoles in Deep Time (2018)
Scientists are reconstructing the 60-million-year history of anoles to understand how they evolved, spread, and diversified into hundreds of species.